Saturday, November 22, 2008

2k Insider: Worst feature ever in NBA 2K

Download the latest update from the 2K Insider!

Where else can you get Dwyane Wade with a 97 block rating?

Yes, I really am the first person in the history of the universe to type that sentence. (And you're not. Be jealous.)

Real 2K Insider: History made daily.

Edit: Ok not to be an annoying grammar nazi but damn.

Steve Nash
Nash's numbers are down across the board this season.
Nash's amazing run being the top point guard in the league has come to an end.

Um. You mean "as"?

As if the math/logic weren't bad enough.


Anonymous said...

hahahahahahahahahahahahaha !

Its ... hahahahahahahha ... ffaacc ... hahahahahaha !

Anonymous said...


When are you gonna start posting your tendency edits? That seems to be a big deal to a lot of as important as the ratings and explaining what you did in the area might help convince a few people of what you do.

Anonymous said...

What are u going to do about bobby brown with the golden soul patch?

Brent Nahmias said...

Dude Wade had 5 blocks of course one game shows hes the best shot blocker in NBA history!

Anonymous said...

hey Rash, Its me Smokez4Dayz again, you know, the brooklyn knicks fan? Any way, I just recently got some kudos from the Insider himself in my 2k mail. He and I are tight now, so you know I'm gonna have to rail on you and your weak ass rosters even more now. Remember, I got him to fix the knicks, Crawford 91 threes, Zach transformation, all me. Nate and Q's 3 pt increase, Me again. And when you see T.Thomas and Cutino Mobley get +3 added to their threes, too, thank me. I'd rather work with the Insider than against him. Brooklyn Stand Up

Rashidi said...

"Remember, I got him to fix the knicks, Crawford 91 threes, Zach transformation, all me."

Then the 2K Insider is a complete fool for listening to a Knicks fanboy. Congratulations on single-handedly ruining the game one player at a time. I'm sure everyone appreciates your hard work NBA Live spy.

Anonymous said...

SmokezBalls4Dayz. Wannabe thug is a wannabe.

Anonymous said...

Some theorical people say that History tends to repeat itself all over again ... but man !, not in the same era !, ... 2 ignorants of basketball on the same era ? ... and with influent roles ? ... oh, wait !, ... that is just one ignorant with some sort of influence ... the other is just a mere ignorant that wants to live the dream that he has some influence ...

Rashidi, dont listen to those wannabe and focus on your roster updates that, by the way, are becomming more and more scarce !

Anonymous said...

Wade has been a ridiculous shot blocker. Okay, 97 is a bit much, but he deserves a pretty high rating. He's blocked at least a shot in pretty much every game and he's had a few where he blocks 4+. He averages 2 blocks a game on the year. They aren't cheap blocks either, he got some against the 3 Toronto bigs. However, looking at the 3.0 roster your rating is further off from what it should be than the 2k Insider. 60? Lol, even before this year Wade has been one of the better shot blocking guards, give me a break. He clearly is way better than that.

Anonymous said...

I once took a shit that looked like Brooklyn, and their were little flakes in there that looked like the people who live in Brooklyn. They were all asking me to point them in the direction of the welfare office. I flushed.

Anonymous said...

Hey Rashidi... when are you getting that PS3?

Anonymous said...

DWADE was the first player 6-4 and under to have over 100 blocks in a season last year, so that's where it comes from. He's a great shot blocker

Anonymous said...

all damn just realized this was from a year ago, my bad lol